I used to have all kinds of things that I did to keep busy. I could spend an entire day in my room alone and feel fulfilled.
I used to be in theater and in chorus. I tried sports like horse back riding, ice skating, tae kwon do, fencing, gymnastics, ballet, and a million others, I traveled, and groups.I Read, watched TV, went to the movies, colored, crafted, sewed, did community service and volunteer work, babysat and did a million other things.
Then came a period in my life when all I did was work and go to school. I had 4 jobs and went to school full time. I loved working at Curves and talking to all my customers everyday, I loved working at a catering company planning weddings for people and eating great food, I loved working at the renaissance festival 3 months out of the year, I loved taking tickets at all the awesome concerts in town, and although I never loved school work I loved learning and was proud to get a degree.
6 days after my last final I was offered a job, and 12 day before my technical graduation date (I did not go) I started working. And I never looked back.
I love planning meetings and I love going to new town and hotels and meeting new people. And for the most part my hours are steady and I could have time for other things but then I get home and I’m tired, I have to cook dinner, I watch a few shows and it’s time to go to sleep.
Two nights a week Russ goes to band practice, and for the most part I find stuff to do with myself, I clean, or go see a friend, or go see my mom, or run errands but last night I had nothing. I was too tired to do the dishes that needed doing but I wanted to leave the house or actually do something. Instead I showered and sat in bed watching Netflix videos on my computer. The movie was cute and entertaining but I wish that I had had some other project to work on. A hobby like Russ’s band practice that would require me to leave the house several nights a week. But I don’t.
I wanted to join a choir, but they all have expensive dues, ugly outfits, and make you pay per sheet of music. I wanted to take a floral design class but again it’s very expensive. I wanted to find a dance class but have not really found a place where I am interested in going or a class that I am particularly interested in. so what now?
I really don’t like sitting at home two nights a week rotting my brain with television and wasting precious time.
Any ideas?